Thursday, July 06, 2006

Look here's the bullshit man, right here:

True friends understand you're human.

Blah blah fuckin blah, all the way to the gourd of omnipotent disclaimers that validate and correctly temper the legitimacy of subtle dishes which poke and jab at political correctness in self-expression....

but fuck all ya'all... (in a good way)

Try to lay down some heavy concientious high maintenance diatribe b.s. while REO Speedwagon's 'Roll With The The Changes' is blaring thru your headphones while typing.
The simplicity of Life and the neeedlessness of b.s will greet you much faster than it took me to write this sentence.

5 beautiful pitchers with treasured friends hours earlier doesn't make it easy [to type]. But it makes the Valhalla ending [of the REO tune] really effing awesome.

Get over yourself. Live a little.
The humidity hasn't been that bad yet,
