Thursday, September 29, 2005

I can be Steven Wright too

Remember learning when we were little how big blue whales would eat by swallowing tons of krill (like shrimp) in the water, and the whale filtered the krill form th water using their baleen (a filtration system kind of like a huge sieve in the mouth)?
Remember that?

You can simulate this same thing as a human. It's like when you chug a big glass of water that you stirred insoluble fiber into. Like Metamucil or psylliuym husks. Close your jaw a little and you can feel the fiber going past your teeth. I'll bet that's what it feels like for the whale.

All mine baby. Gonna teach my kids that someday.

Since I mentioned Steven Wright, I'll mention the one joke of his I remember cuz I liked it so much.

" I like to stand in the running shower with my clothes on, and stop the drain so the water fills at my feet, and play Sinking Submarine."

I think Krill and Krokus did a Kareoke duet for the Krull soundtrack back in the day.

Oh I just krill myself.


Thanks to Jan on this.

Talk about wagging the dog.
Notice the dates of these articles.

Read this one first. - Feb, 2004

CNN Money page - Sept 2005


The Japanese mafia used a Soviet weather weapon to send the hurricanes at the US to piss off Bush.

No, really.

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