"Awright, o-right, o-right!"
-McConaughey from 'Dazed & Confused'.
(This is the kind of stuff I'd do/host if I was a celebrity with time on my hands.)
"Absolute Evel: The Evel Knievel Story" (8 p.m., History Channel). Motorcycle madman. Matthew McConaughey hosts this documentary portrait of famed daredevil Evel Knievel, a colorful, cantankerous maverick who offers comments on his various crazy stunts and motorcycle jumps. And that includes Knievel's infamously botched 1974 attempt to leap the Snake River Canyon in Idaho. Oops
Pink Floyd reunite for Live 8. Yes, all four.
Madonna finally figured out that there's more to life than exploring her sexuality in front of the world.This calls for a great rapid-fire montage of every time she scolded Kurt Loder in MTV interviews over the years with come-hither eyes as she would verbally bitch-slap him for even considering questioning her sexual personae and it's role in her publicity strategies. While dressed in whatever slut motif that tied into the new album design-wise.
But what do I know, I just watched MTV and believed it all like a good 80s boy. As long as Prince and Madonna's tunes were making my girlfriend frisky, I was a happy boy-toy.
AARRGH! She's brainwashing me again!!!.."******************
I wrote this about the Pink Floyd reunion thing today:
Nick Mason's cool new book about the Floyd has a postscript in it that said it's probably not possible they'd reunite. Key members of the PF team like manager Steve O Rourke has died, and Storm Thorgeson the art director is ailing. So even though the 4 main guys are ok, in their world the PF machine is not what it was.
But...then Geldof comes and saves the day.
I think PF will get it together. Extremely slowly. A few one-off shows, maybe writing together as a lark to see what happens. I think they'll have to convince themselves tangibly that what they already know ("we're too old to be stupid and petty anymore") can be applied to working together. I think their concience and whatnot would only allow them to do something very real and worthy. Especially with Roger. So maybe in 3-4 years I'd expect a tour. A real tour behind a real album. It would have to be legit in Roger's mind. As much as I think he's grown and mellowed and wisened, his integrity has always been there.
And to be honest, I think the other guys would be fine with getting in the studio and letting the old dynamic (sans fighting) take hold - which means following Roger's lead and supporting a bold vision he gets excited about.
In other words, I think Dave, Nick, and Rick could give a shit about "supporting" Roger, or being thought of as his sidemen. I would hope age, death, family, (and being huge millionaries) would comfortably allow them to be cool with the fact that letting Roger's vision (delivered with the abilities and understanding of the other guys) is what makes PF special and unique. And I would hope Roger understands that in a compasionate, un-arrogant way too. It's a synergy and symbiosis that simply works well. His message delivers in no better way than with those 3 guys providing the bricks and mortar to his blueprints. (it seems to me).
And those 3 guys "get it" more than they have the burn to create it themselves. Its obvious by their output. (And being filthy rich). So let the beauty exist. Let go of the ego and competition. The world already knows their geniuses, they've only read it about themselves for 40 years now. What's left to accomplish except putting good music and message to the world?
Maybe O' Rourke's spirit is subversively engineering his mates into resolvving such a feud.? If anyone would really know the scoop of that inner PF dynamic and know the good it would bring, it's that guy. Managing this from the grave.
Maybe they call it "from the grave" because it's so
gravely serious, a dead person
has to dip back into this plane to make it happen? Obviously us silly humans couldn't get our heads out da butts.